Viruses and Human Disease - download pdf or read online

By James H. Strauss,Ellen G. Strauss

thoroughly revised and up to date, the recent variation of this groundbreaking textual content integrates simple virology with pathophysiological stipulations to envision the relationship among virology and human sickness. so much virology textbooks specialize in the molecular biology concerned with no enough connection with body structure. this article makes a speciality of viruses that infect people, household animals and vertebrates and is predicated on large direction notes from James Strauss’ virology category on the California Institute of know-how taught for over 30 years. Expertly depicting in colour the molecular constitution and replication of every virus, it offers an exceptional evaluate for college kids and execs attracted to viruses as brokers of human disease.

  • Includes over 30% new fabric - nearly all the figures and tables were redrawn to incorporate the newest info and the textual content has been broadly rewritten to incorporate the main updated information
  • Includes a brand new bankruptcy on rising and reemerging viral ailments equivalent to avian flu, SARS, the unfold of West Nile virus throughout the US, and the ongoing unfold of Nipah virus in Southeast Asia
  • Further studying sections on the finish of every bankruptcy make it effortless locate key references
  • World maps depicting the present distribution of present and newly rising viruses also are included into the text

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Viruses and Human Disease by James H. Strauss,Ellen G. Strauss

by James

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