Rosa Teruzzi's La fioraia del Giambellino (Italian Edition) PDF

By Rosa Teruzzi

Avvicinandosi il tanto atteso giorno delle nozze, Manuela, ragazza milanese romantica e un po’ all’antica, sogna di realizzare il suo desiderio più grande: essere accompagnata all’altare dal padre. Il problema è che lei quel genitore non l’ha mai conosciuto e non sa chi sia. È un segreto che sua madre ha gelosamente custodito, e che according to nulla al mondo accetterebbe di rivelare. Stanca delle proceed liti in famiglia in line with ottenere l. a. confessione cui tanto tiene, a Manuela non resta che cercare aiuto altrove. Così bussa alla porta del vecchio casello ferroviario, dove abitano tre donne assai originali, sulle quali ha letto qualcosa in una pagina di cronaca nera: l. a. poliziotta Vittoria, tosta e non proprio un modello di simpatia, sua madre Libera, fioraia con il pallino dell’investigazione, e los angeles nonna Iole, eccentrica insegnante di yoga, femminista e submit hippie. Sono tre donne diversissime, spesso litigiose, con il talento di mettersi nei guai ficcando il naso nelle faccende altrui. Saranno proprio loro, dopo le iniziali esitazioni, advert andare alla ricerca del misterioso padre. Le tracce, are available in una caccia al tesoro di crescente suspense, le condurranno in giro in keeping with Milano e nei paesini della Brianza, a rivangare l’oscuro passato della madre di Manuela, custodito nei ricordi e nelle omertà di chi l’ha conosciuta da giovane. E a mano a mano che si avvicineranno alla soluzione del caso, si troveranno di fronte al problem: rivelare l. a. scabrosa verità, oppure no?

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Dead Man's Fancy: A Sean Stranahan Mystery (Sean Stranahan by Keith McCafferty PDF

By Keith McCafferty

The 3rd novel starring Montana's fly fisherman-cum-detective Sean Stranahan, for fanatics of C. J. field and Craig Johnson

Wolves howl as a riderless horse returns at sundown to the Culpepper Dude Ranch within the Madison Valley. The lacking lady, Nanika Martinelli, is best referred to as the Fly Fishing Venus, a red-haired river consultant who lures consumers the way in which dry flies draw trout.

As Sheriff Martha Ettinger follows hoof tracks within the snow, she reveals one of many males who has fallen below the temptress’s spell impaled at the antler tine of a big bull elk, a kill that’s been claimed by way of a wolf pack. An twist of fate? If now not, is the killer human or animal? With painter, fly fisherman, and infrequently deepest detective Sean Stranahan’s aid, Ettinger will persist with clues that time to an animal rights workforce known as the extended family of the Three-Clawed Wolf and to their svengali grasp, whose eyes blaze with pagan fire.

In their most deadly event but, Stranahan and Ettinger locate themselves within the crossfire of wolf enthusiasts, wolf haters, and a sister bent on revenge, and at the path of an alpha male long gone extraordinarily wrong.

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Download e-book for kindle: Antiques Frame (A Trash 'n' Treasures Mystery) by Barbara Allan

By Barbara Allan

“Nonstop humor in addition to a tangled mystery.” —RT booklet Reviews

With their truth television sequence, Antiques Sleuths, Brandy Borne and her quaintly kooky mom, Vivian, have a true hit on their fingers. yet one other “hit” enters the image, after a rival bidder turns into a one-woman exhibit at their televised auctions—and it’s the estranged spouse of Brandy’s police-chief beau, Tony! quickly the effective paintings of homicide colours the scene, becoming Brandy for an ornately complex frame.

But whilst you’re inside of a body, it’s tricky to make out the image. That’s why Brandy’s mom—her daughter now donning simple jailhouse orange—must type via a rogue’s gallery of suspects together with a too-friendly farmer’s spouse, a ratings-happy television manufacturer, a questionable husband-and-wife auctioneer group, or even the manager of police himself.

Brandy and Vivian race to figure out how an empty vintage body can carry a perilous portrait, an image worthy one thousand risky phrases. Aided in basic terms by way of Sushi, their unswerving shih tzu, and police puppy Rocky, the wacky mother-and-daughter sleuthing crew needs to examine the killer’s identification prior to they develop into the themes of one other masterpiece of murder.

Don’t leave out Brandy Borne’s pointers on making an investment in antiques!

“Well-drawn characters . . . enjoyable to read.” —Booklist
“This enjoyable, quickly secret indicates Allan on the most sensible of her game.” —RT ebook Reviews, four½ stars
“Brandy and Vivian are attractive characters, and their first-person narration is enjoyable to learn. Quirky secondary characters upload to the charm of this funny comfortable mystery.” —Booklist
“Scenes of Midwestern small-town lifestyles, informative tidbits in regards to the antiques company, and shrewdpermanent conversation make this crucial in case you like strange beginner sleuths.” —Library Journal
“Genuinely humorous . . . The Trash ‘n’ Treasures books need to be the funniest secret sequence going." —Somebody Dies
 “Lively . . . this bubbly tongue-in-cheek comfortable additionally comprises flea marketplace buying assistance and a recipe.” —Publishers Weekly

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Download e-book for iPad: Murder in an English Village (A Beryl and Edwina Mystery) by Jessica Ellicott

By Jessica Ellicott

As buddies, the boisterous and brash American Beryl couldn’t be much less alike than the prim and correct British Edwina. yet as sleuths in an England improving from the good conflict, they’re the right fit . . .
1920: Flying within the face of conference, mythical American adventuress Beryl Helliwell by no means fails to shock and surprise. the very last thing her adoring public could count on is that she craves a few peace and quiet. The humdrum hamlet of Walmsley Parva within the English geographical region turns out simply the price ticket. And, in truth, till the United States involves its senses and repeals Prohibition, Beryl has no purpose of returning stateside and subjecting herself to tub gin.
For over 3 a long time, Edwina Davenport has lived with ease in Walmsley Parva, however the post–World battle I bust has left her in dire monetary straits and compelled her to promote for a lodger. while her long-lost institution friend Beryl arrives on her doorstep—actually crashes into it in her pink motorcar—Edwina welcomes her previous good friend as her new roommate.
yet her idyllic native land has a hidden sinister facet, and whilst the 2 buddies are drawn in, they choose to organize store as deepest inquiry brokers, assisting Edwina to make ends meet and pleasing Beryl’s thirst for experience. Now this extraordinary couple might want to positioned their heads jointly to capture a killer—before this sleepy English village turns into their ultimate resting position . . .

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New PDF release: Ria mortelle: Un thriller angoissant (French Edition)

By Jean-Marc Perret

Un meurtre en entraine un autre... à quel aspect sont-ils liés ?

Rien ne va plus dans ce petit coin tranquille du Morbihan, entre los angeles ria d’Étel et Locoal-Mendon ! l. a. jolie Nathalie Bramant est los angeles victime d’un sinistre corbeau. Un most appropriate extraordinary est retrouvé murdereré d’une balle dans los angeles nuque devant son homestead… Le corps d’un autre sera bientôt découvert !
Les affaires sont-elles liées ? Une enquête difficile et délicate va entraîner le sympathique commandant Colombel dans l’univers glauque et mystery d’une certaine bourgeoisie locale, consommatrice de drogues et adepte d’échangisme…

L’auteur, correspondant Ouest-France, nous livre ici une histoire de vengeance habilement orchestrée et pleine de surprises. Un coup de maître pour un coup d’essai !

Plongez dans ce roman à l. a. fois saisissant et angoissant !


Au volant de sa Mini Cooper blanche, Nathalie conduisait à vive attract sur l. a. direction côtière coincée entre los angeles petite mer de Gâvres et l’Océan. D’un côté, le décor impolite et dépouillé de l. a. rive sud de l. a. petite mer ; de l’autre, le bleu vif de l’Océan orné du blanc de l’écume qui écrêtait les vagues. Mais de ce landscape Nathalie n’avait therapy. Elle fulminait contre les premiers touristes de ce début de saison qui prenaient tout leur temps, n’ayant aucune raison de se presser. Elle jeta un coup d’œil à sa montre. Déjà dix-huit heures trente ! Le geste l. a. healthy dévier vers le milieu de los angeles chaussée, et lui valut le coup d’avertisseur rageur d’un camping-car venant en face.


Né à Carnac, Jean Marc Perret a été professeur de Sciences économiques pendant quatre ans avant de faire carrière à l. a. SNCF comme contrôleur de gestion. Depuis sa retraite, il est correspondant du magazine Ouest-France à Chantepie, près de Rennes. Féru de littérature anglo-saxonne, il pratique le tennis et le volley-ball. Après s’être essayé à l’écriture de nouvelles, Ria mortelle est son premiere roman policier.

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Download e-book for iPad: Ein mörderischer Dreh: Detektei Rote Socke, Band 2 (German by Hans-Ulrich Lüdemann

By Hans-Ulrich Lüdemann

Gestatten Sie: Mein identify ist Mildred Sox, Diplom-Kriminalistin. Ich bin additionally diejenige, die aufgrund besonderer Lebensumstände aus dem Polizeidienst gefeuert wurde und demzufolge geradezu eine Privatdetektei gründen musste …
Ich struggle sichtlich irritiert, als die Frau meines Ex-Geliebten KHK Edwin Roeder um Beistand für ihren Schwiegersohn bat. Kay Denkert besitzt eine Anlage-Firma. Unbekannte haben den Mittdreißiger überfallen, zwei Tage später wird er Opfer eines Mordanschlages. Rechtsmediziner können zwar den komplizierten Tatvorgang klären, Hinweise zum Täter haben auch sie nicht. Ich ermittelte additionally gegen einen Gläubiger, befragte alle drei Geschäftspartner des Denkert. Ich werde mehrmals bedroht, weil ich nichtsdestoweniger diesen kniffligen Fall weiter verfolge. Eine heiße Spur führt in die united states und ich muss klären, was once die angebliche Lebensmittelvergiftung eines aidskranken ehemaligen Sheriffs in Lyme mit Denkerts Firma zu tun hat. Schließlich gelingt es mir, bereits geplante Morde zu verhindern bzw. dass ein millionenschwerer Coup auffliegt. Bleibt aber dennoch die Frage – wer hat Kay Denkert ermordet? Des Rätsels überraschende Lösung findet sich buchstäblich erst auf den letzten Seiten ...
Das Buch erschien erstmals 2001 in der DIE-Reihe (Delikte, Indizien, Ermittlungen) im Verlag DAS NEUE BERLIN.

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New PDF release: Barber's Haven (North Main Street Book 1)

By Olarewaju Oladipo

Barber’s Haven is a secret set in a barbershop situated in a suburb in Massachusetts. document has an strange mental attachment to his barber, Dave, who owns the barbershop on the town sq.. while the barbershop turns into linked to suspicious deaths in a brief span of time, document and Dave’s friendship is almost jeopardized. who's dependable? All indicators aspect to Dave. but either deaths will not be straight forward murder, one governed unintended electrocution and the opposite governed suicide. With rumors floating round the citizens, document starts off to think his barber can be blameless. He single-handedly starts an research that just about charges him his lifestyles — two times! Doc’s naiveté forces his spouse, Maya, to reluctantly subscribe to him with the hopes of saving document from himself. Many questions are unanswered. those questions come to a head while Doc’s clinical perform is vandalized and robbed, accelerating the family’s attempt to discover and recognize the assassin. Barber's Haven is the 1st of the numerous books of the 'North major highway' series.

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Download e-book for kindle: Die Zehn Plagen: Ein Fall für Claude Bocquillon (German by Laurent Bach

By Laurent Bach

Die Brunnen im südfranzösischen Anduze speien rotes Wasser. Während die Polizei noch von einem dummen Streich ausgeht, hat Privatdetektiv Claude Bocquillon bereits eine schreckliche Vorahnung - und behält recht: Kurze Zeit später werden zwei Jungen entführt. Claudes Spürsinn ist geweckt, und er stellt unabhängig von der Polizei eigene Ermittlungen an. Diesmal gerät er jedoch tiefer in den Fall hinein, als ihm lieb ist, denn die Kriminalbeamten finden Indizien, die den Verdacht auf Claude selbst lenken.

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New PDF release: Double for Death (Nero Wolfe)

By Rex Stout

Tecumseh Fox has a pointy eye for fixing murders—but this time he’s seeing double. Fox has been employed by means of the headstrong niece of a guy charged within the taking pictures of rich financier Ridley Thorpe. the matter is that there are wonderful suspects, strong causes, hotheaded suitors, and homicide guns. And to most sensible it off, Ridley Thorpe, or anyone claiming to be him, isn't just alive and good yet has an hermetic alibit for the evening of the capturing. just one factor is bound: Fox doesn’t have lengthy to place and jointly ahead of the true killer moves again.

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Get Wörthersee mortale: Kärnten-Krimi (HAYMON TASCHENBUCH) PDF

By Roland Zingerle

Von wegen weiße Weste: Wörthersee-Detektiv Sablatnig ermittelt auf der Fête Blanche.

Aufsehenerregender Raubüberfall am Wörthersee - aber wo ist die Beute?
Dreizehn Jahre ist es her, dass Guido Raunjak bei einem Überfall mit Geiselname eine Kiste mit seltenem und sündhaft teurem Inhalt erbeutet hat: Kubanische Zigarren - speziell für den Revolutionsführer Fidel Castro persönlich hergestellt! Der Räuber ist im Gefängnis gelandet, doch das Diebesgut wurde niemals gefunden. Nun wird Raunjak entlassen und alle sind sich sicher: Der holt sich seine Beute zurück!

Privatdetektiv Heinz Sablatnig muss ran - eine spektakuläre Jagd beginnt
Tom Schilling junior - begüterter Lebemann, Playboy und Sohn des mittlerweile verstorbenen Besitzers der Zigarren - beauftragt die Versicherung Fiducia, die Kiste für ihn zu finden. Im Gegenzug verspricht er, der Versicherung die damals ausbezahlte Versicherungssumme zurückzuzahlen. Klar, dass für diesen brenzligen Fall nur der unverwechselbare Privatdetektiv Heinz Sablatnig in Frage kommt. Um die Zigarrenkiste aufzuspüren, muss er sich Raunjak an die Fersen heften. Doch der unberechenbare Ex-Häftling ist nicht nur Sablatnigs einzige Spur, sondern auch sein größter Rivale in diesem gefährlichen Wettrennen rund um den Wörthersee ...

Schwarze Wölfe in weißer Weste: Ermittlungen auf der Fête Blanche
Sablatnigs Nachforschungen zwischen kleinkriminellem Milieu und mondäner Wörthersee-Gesellschaft zeigen: So blütenweiß wie ihre Hemden und Roben ist das Gewissen der excessive Society keinesfalls! Roland Zingerle schickt den erprobten Privatdetektiv in seinen abenteuerlichen zweiten Fall: Noch rasanter, noch spektakulärer, noch spannender!

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