Download e-book for iPad: Virtuosi Abroad: Soviet Music and Imperial Competition by Kiril Tomoff

By Kiril Tomoff

In the Forties and Nineteen Fifties, Soviet musicians and ensembles have been acclaimed around the globe. They toured the realm, wowing critics and audiences, projecting a picture of the USSR as a worldly promoter of cultural and inventive excellence. In Virtuosi Abroad, Kiril Tomoff specializes in song and the Soviet Union's superstar musicians to discover the dynamics of the cultural chilly conflict. He perspectives the contest within the cultural sphere as a part of the continuing U.S. and Soviet efforts to combine the remainder of the area into their respective imperial projects.

Tomoff argues that the unbelievable Soviet successes within the approach of foreign song competitions, taken including the rapturous receptions accorded traveling musicians, helped to cajole the Soviet management of the prevalence in their process. This, mixed with the historic triumphalism significant to the Marxist-Leninist worldview, resulted in self belief that the USSR will be the inevitable winner within the international festival with the U.S.. Successes masked the truth that the very stipulations that made them attainable relied on a quiet method through which the USSR started to perform a world criminal and economic climate ruled by way of the USA. as soon as the Soviet management transposed its speak of approach superiority to the commercial sphere, focusing particularly on customer items and pop culture, it had entered a contest that it will probably no longer win.

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Virtuosi Abroad: Soviet Music and Imperial Competition during the Early Cold War, 1945–1958 by Kiril Tomoff

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