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By Rohini Prasad

After retirement from the military in 1978 I labored for approximately a decade within the heart East on quite a few venture administration assignments. This turned a stepping stone for my 'Green Card' to turn into everlasting resident of California which facilitated my PhD reviews from an Indian college. the massive good stocked and catalogued libraries of Berkley and San Francisco Universities proved boon, mammoth shop homes of invaluable info. quite a few encyclopedia in addition to quite a few infrequent out-of-print previous books to which I had easy accessibility within the Universities of California. I recognize with deep gratitude for having made liberal use of sizeable literature on matters like Paranormal phenomena, P a r a - Psychology , ' close to loss of life Experiences', 'Out of physique Experiences', Mysteries, Ghosts-Apparitions, goals, Séances , communications with the “ different aspect” through mediums , clinical therapy through Regression, Reincarnation, Psychic Sciences, and mainly, approximately DEA TH: We by no means Die! first-class source on Philosophy of Spiritualism …

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Violation of Disability Rights by Rohini Prasad

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