Undesirable Practices: Women, Children, and the Politics of - download pdf or read online

By Jessica Cammaert

Undesirable Practices examines either the meant and the accidental results of “imperial feminism” and British colonial interventions in “undesirable” cultural practices in northern Ghana. Jessica Cammaert addresses the kingdom administration of social practices reminiscent of girl circumcision, nudity, prostitution, and “illicit” adoption in addition to the hesitation to impose critical punishments for the slave dealing of adult females, relatively woman childrens. She examines the gendered strength family and colonial attitudes that precise girls and youngsters spanning pre- and postcolonial classes, the early postindependence years, and post-Nkrumah guidelines. particularly, Cammaert examines the boundaries of the male colonial gaze and argues that the facility lay now not within the gaze itself yet within the act of “looking away,” a calculated aversion of cognizance meant to take care of the tribal group and keep regulate over the move, sexuality, and hard work of girls and children.

With its exam of broader time sessions and subject matters and its complicated analytical arguments, Undesirable Practices makes a useful contribution to literature in African reviews, modern advocacy discourse, ladies and gender reports, and important postcolonial studies.

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Undesirable Practices: Women, Children, and the Politics of the Body in Northern Ghana, 1930–1972 (Expanding Frontiers: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality) by Jessica Cammaert

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