Understanding Social Movements: Theories from the Classical by Steven M. Buechler PDF

By Steven M. Buechler

In 13 succinct chapters, Buechler strains circulate theories from the classical period of sociology to the latest examples of transnational activism. He identifies the socio-historical context, imperative thoughts, and guiding common sense of various move theories, with emphasis on: Comparisons of Marx and Lenin; Weber and Michels; and Durkheim and LeBon The Chicago institution of the inter-war interval The political-sociological techniques of the Nineteen Fifties The sorts of pressure and breakdown theories on the sunrise of the Nineteen Sixties significant paradigm shifts attributable to the cascade of Nineteen Sixties social events vibrant examples of pursuits all over the world and insurance of all significant theorists reviews, debates, and proposed syntheses dominating the flip of the twenty first century contemporary traits (such as cyberactivism and transnational pursuits) and their theoretical implications"

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Understanding Social Movements: Theories from the Classical Era to the Present by Steven M. Buechler

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