Blaine Kaltman's Under the Heel of the Dragon: Islam, Racism, Crime, and the PDF

By Blaine Kaltman

The Turkic Muslims from relevant Asia often called the Uighur have lengthy confronted social and monetary negative aspects in China because of their minority prestige. Under the Heel of the Dragon: Islam, Racism, Crime, and the Uighur in China bargains a different perception into present conflicts due to the increase of Islamic fundamentalism and the chinese language government’s oppression of spiritual minorities that experience heightened the measure of polarization among the Uighur and the dominant chinese language ethnic crew, the Han.

Author Blaine Kaltman’s learn relies on in-depth interviews that he carried out in chinese language with out both assistance from an interpreter or the data of the chinese language govt. those riveting conversations divulge the concepts of a large socioeconomic spectrum of Han and Uighur, revealing their mutual prejudices. The Uighurs think that the Han discriminate opposed to them in virtually each element in their lives, and this notion of racism motivates the Uighurs’ personal prejudice opposed to the Han.

Kaltman stories that Uighur illegal activity (unlike that of alternative minorities, which predominantly happens inside their very own groups) is directed opposed to their perceived oppressors, the Han chinese language. Under the Heel of the Dragon deals a distinct perception right into a misunderstood global and a close clarification of the cultural perceptions that force those misconceptions.

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Under the Heel of the Dragon: Islam, Racism, Crime, and the Uighur in China (Ohio RIS Global Series) by Blaine Kaltman

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