This Club Frowns on Murder (The Paul and Alice Prye by Albert Borowitz PDF

By Albert Borowitz

"Dear Mrs. Richardson, i need to inform you how I, and the entire contributors of the Alumni membership, sympathize with you in John's premature death." In a time of sorrow one of these word will be a welcome expression of condolence, yet seeing that John Richardson is particularly a lot alive while the be aware arrives, it is a bit disconcerting to his spouse. quickly a number of individuals of the luxury, unique, outdated international long island Alumni membership typhoon via its venerable portals waving related notes. it seems that a few disgruntled membership member with a truly macabre feel of humour is carrying out a bit vicious enjoyable. The humour speedy evaporates, even if, while one of many club's individuals "accidentally" falls from a balcony. This prankster is in lethal earnest. while true-crime historian Paul Prye and his spouse Alice come to stick on the membership, their professional assistance is enlisted and so they start to make discreet inquiries in regards to the poison-pen condolence letters. Paul quickly discovers that underneath the placid, cultured floor of the Alumni membership whirls a maelstrom; previous grudges, embarrassing secrets and techniques, and a few implacable hatreds upload as much as whatever most certainly now not within the club principles -- homicide. --Book 2 of the The Paul and Alice Prye Mysteries

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This Club Frowns on Murder (The Paul and Alice Prye Mysteries Book 2) by Albert Borowitz

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