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By Ray DiZazzo

An ominous name from their estranged son sends Sam and Alice Waltrick to Africa. Following an evasive set of directions, the couple is drugged and left bare in a distant jungle clearing. Awakening from their stupor, they see earlier than them an historical, typical bridge, and surrounding them, a pristine, untouched paradise. This, they detect, is the place their actual trip starts off. yet what they notice defies all common sense. Is it genuine? Are they within the backyard of Eden, at the verge of gaining knowledge of the starting place of guy? Is it a mystery, rigorously deliberate cult initiation? Or are they only experiencing hallucinations caused by the spores of a unprecedented African flower? Confronting those questions threatens to rip their already-fragile family aside. yet Sam and Alice have simply scratched the skin of a undying secret — one whose final truths can simply be understood by way of their mentally challenged son…

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The Simian Bridge by Ray DiZazzo

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