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By B. Biékowska,Zdenek Kopal,C. Cenkalska

On February 19, 1973, 5 centuries have elapsed because the delivery of Nicolaus Coperni­ cus - the best astronomer of the Renaissance interval - who rediscovered for us the heliocentric version of the sunlight process, and documented it through his life's paintings in one of these demeanour as to make its inspiration an everlasting estate of mankind. The lifetime of Copernicus, extending from 19 February 1473 to his demise on 24 may possibly 1543, used to be now not too wealthy in adventures or biographical evidence. Born in Toruti from a kin of Polish burghers, he acquired his first collage education in Cracow among 1491-1494. From Cracow he proceeded to Italy to spend the years among 1496-1503 on the Universities of Bologna, Padua and Ferrara - with occasional visits to Rom- in practise for an ecclesiastical occupation. while Bishop Watzenrode - his client and maternal uncle - may now not expand his go away, Copernicus lower back to Poland in 1503 to go into the carrier of the church institution, which quickly resulted in a canonry on the Frombork (Frauenburg) Cathedral in Warmia. And there - within the northern mists no longer faraway from the Baltic seashores - in a land so assorted in weather from the sunny Italy of his adolescence - he used to be destined to spend the remainder of his life.

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The Scientific World of Copernicus: On the Occasion of the 500th Anniversary of his Birth 1473–1973 by B. Biékowska,Zdenek Kopal,C. Cenkalska

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