Download e-book for iPad: The Reindeer Botanist: Alf Erling Porsild, 1901-1977 by Wendy Dathan

By Wendy Dathan

The Reindeer Botanist: Alf Erling Porsild, 1901-1977 is the 1st biography of 1 of Canada's such a lot awesome botanists. Alf Erling Porsild (1901-1977) grew up at the Arctic Station in West Greenland and later served as curator of botany on the nationwide Museum of Canada. He amassed hundreds of thousands of specimens, significantly enlarging the nationwide Herbarium and making it a very good examine centre. for almost 20 years, Porsild studied reindeer actions in Alaska and the Northwest Territories as a part of the Reindeer venture designed to motivate grazing animal husbandry between aboriginal peoples. He released commonly, and his meticulous study and observations have specific relevance at the present time with the starting to be predicament over worldwide warming within the Arctic.

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The Reindeer Botanist: Alf Erling Porsild, 1901-1977 (Northern Lights) by Wendy Dathan

by Jeff

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