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By Nikolas M. Rajkovic,Tanja Aalberts,Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen

From an airstrip in Saudi Arabia, the CIA launches drones to 'legally' kill Al-Qaida leaders in Yemen. at the North Pole, Russia crops a flag at the seabed to increase felony declare over assets. In Brussels, the ecu fee unveils its Emissions buying and selling method, extending environmental jurisdiction globally over international airways. And at Frankfurt Airport, a father getting back from vacation is detained simply because his identify seems to be on a safety record. this present day, legality instructions significant foreign money in international affairs, but transforming into connection with foreign legality has now not marked the top of strategic struggles in worldwide affairs. particularly, it has shifted the sector and demeanour of play for a plurality of actors who now use, impression and contest the way in which that law's rule is utilized to handle international difficulties. Drawing on various case reviews, this quantity explores a few of the meanings and implications of legality throughout scholarly, institutional and coverage settings.

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The Power of Legality: Practices of International Law and their Politics by Nikolas M. Rajkovic,Tanja Aalberts,Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen

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