The Painted Gun by Bradley Spinelli PDF

By Bradley Spinelli

"[In] this tough and delightfully incredible crime novel...Spinelli deftly segues from one style to another--from hard-boiled noir to paranoid mystery, puzzle secret (with every riddle logically explained), secret agent caper, and eventually to whatever evocative of Bogart and Bacall. Spinelli is easily a expertise to watch."
--Publishers Weekly

"An unofficial San Francisco shamus whose story is decided in 1997 yet whose middle is caught in 1947 hunts for the world's such a lot elusive lacking person...'I maintain assembly those who finish up dead,' aptly observes the narrator/hero...If you would like extra the place that got here from, Spinelli is your man."
--Kirkus Reviews

"Treasure the fascinating secret and its haunting solution."

"A neat little post-modern mash-up of Chandler and Hammett...[Spinelli's] obtained wit and magnificence up the wazoo."
--Thrilling Detective

"You can think the guy that wrote that learn his Chandler and perhaps his Macdonald as well."
--Mystery File

"A enjoyable romp of an old-school detective novel with a couple of post-modern tweaks. it is filled with fist fights, shoot outs, and clever cracks, taking a number of bizarre twists that turn out time and again to be poignant."

"A vintage noir...Spinelli manages to maintain us on our toes."
--Pif Magazine

"A impressive learn, lots of twists and turns...Highly recommended."
--Col's felony Library

"It's vintage noir with a bit know-how that becomes a world mystery. notwithstanding it is a risky bounce blending either genres, writer Bradley Spinelli succeedsThe Painted Gun will maintain readers hooked at each page."
--Underrated Reads

"One of the easiest facets of The Painted Gun is its feel of position. The seedier aspects of San Francisco are dropped at existence with the entire anticipated characters...A great diversion."
--Confessions of a Cyberlibrarian

"An fascinating read."
--Life in the Pages

"The Painted Gun is hardboiled like they do not make anymore. Whiplash twists, razor-sharp prose, an addictive narrative--I could not learn it quickly enough."
--Rob Hart, writer of South Village

It's 1997 on the sunrise of the electronic age in San Francisco. Ex-journalist and suffering alcoholic David "Itchy" Crane's fledgling "information consultancy" company is getting slowly buried via undesirable good fortune, undesirable judgements, and the growing to be presence of the web. ahead of he can thoroughly self-destruct, a personal investigator deals him fifty grand to discover a lacking woman named Ashley. Crane takes the task as the money’s correct and as the purely clue to her disappearance is a dead-on oil portrait of Crane himself--painted via the mysterious lacking lady whom he hasn't ever met. As Crane's look for Ashley turns into an obsession, he stumbles upon a chain of murders for which he starts off to worry he is being framed...

With pitch-perfect discussion, an exquisitely crafted plot, and a stylized, deadpan nod to vintage hard-boiled writers like James Ellroy, Elmore Leonard, and Dashiell Hammett, The Painted Gun introduces Bradley Spinelli as a strength to be reckoned with in modern noir fiction.

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The Painted Gun by Bradley Spinelli

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