Download PDF by Arild Stubhaug,R. Daly: The Mathematician Sophus Lie: It was the Audacity of My

By Arild Stubhaug,R. Daly

Sophus Lie (1842-1899) is one among Norways maximum medical abilities. His mathematical works have made him recognized all over the world not less than Niels Henrik Abel. The phrases "Lie teams" and "Lie algebra" are a part of the normal mathematical vocabulary. In his entire biography the writer Arild Stubhaug introduces us to either the individual Sophus Lie and his time. We persist with him via: formative years on the vicarage in Nordfjordeid; his younger years in Moss; schooling in Christiania; travels in Europe; and know about his contacts with the top mathematicians of his time.

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The Mathematician Sophus Lie: It was the Audacity of My Thinking by Arild Stubhaug,R. Daly

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