Teaching Advanced Literacy Skills: A Guide for Leaders in - download pdf or read online

By Nonie K. Lesaux,Emily Phillips Galloway,Sky H. Marietta

In our knowledge-based society, K–8 scholars have to enhance more and more refined talents to learn, write, and communicate for a wide selection of reasons and audiences. together with a longer case instance from a linguistically different institution (nearly seventy five% English learners), this ebook publications university leaders to layout and enforce complex literacy guideline via 4 key shifts: strengthening the educational middle, giving information a critical position, utilizing a shared curriculum, and offering supportive and adapted expert improvement. Reproducible kinds and templates facilitate making plans and implementation of schoolwide tasks. buyers get entry to an online web page the place they could obtain and print the reproducible fabrics in a handy eight 0.5" x eleven" size.

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Teaching Advanced Literacy Skills: A Guide for Leaders in Linguistically Diverse Schools by Nonie K. Lesaux,Emily Phillips Galloway,Sky H. Marietta

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