Download e-book for kindle: Tales from the 1979 Pittsburgh Pirates Dugout: Remembering by John McCollister

By John McCollister

The 12 months is 1979. the USA is in a funk. And Pittsburgh was once no exception.
Double-digit inflation, a close to catastrophe at within reach 3 Mile Island, and the decline of downtown companies all put over town of Pittsburgh a cloud that grew darker than the smoke that rose from the abode Works 25 years earlier.
Into this surroundings of doom and gloom got here a reason to have a good time. The 1979 Pirates, lower than the baton of supervisor Chuck Tanner, integrated a solid of characters referred to as “Scrap Iron,” “Cobra,” “Teke,” “The sweet Man,” and, after all, “Pops.”
The staff turned a cardiologist’s nightmare because the Bucs compiled a 98-64 usual season checklist, successful 25 of these video games of their final at-bats.
Down 3 video games to at least one, the Bucs rose from the ashes to defeat Baltimore and develop into global sequence champions. millions of Pittsburgh devoted marched alongside Smithfield road and 5th road. They cheered, danced, and sang over and over the team’s subject song—“We Are Fam-a-Lee.” That upbeat tune continues to be associated with the ’79 Bucs to this day.
Relive these glory days in Tales from the 1979 Pittsburgh Pirates. have a good time the turnaround of shortstop Tim Foli as a participant and as a guy. snicker with Chuck Tanner whilst he heard Pirate fanatics, together with his personal spouse, really boo him for what they notion used to be a negative selection. you may even shed a tear in the event you examine the premature passing of the mythical Willie Stargell.
These and the opposite stories concerning the 1979 Pirates will deliver again a heap of fond stories approximately considered one of baseball’s so much colourful teams.

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Tales from the 1979 Pittsburgh Pirates Dugout: Remembering “The Fam-A-Lee” (Tales from the Team) by John McCollister

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