Taking Confucian Ethics Seriously: Contemporary Theories and by Kam-por Yu,Julia Tao,Philip J. Ivanhoe PDF

By Kam-por Yu,Julia Tao,Philip J. Ivanhoe

A attention of Confucian ethics as a dwelling moral culture with modern relevance.

This thought-provoking paintings provides Confucianism as a dwelling moral culture with modern relevance. whereas stated as one of many world’s so much influential philosophies, Confucianism’s value is simply too frequently consigned to a old or completely East Asian context. Discussing either the strengths and weaknesses of Confucian ethics, the volume’s participants ponder what this practice deals that we can't conveniently research from different structures of ethics. constructing Confucian moral principles inside a modern context, this paintings discusses the character of advantage, the excellence among private and non-private, the worth of spontaneity, where of sympathy in ethical judgment, what it capacity to be humane, the way to deal with competing values, and the connection among belief and democracy. For all these inquisitive about ethics, this publication bargains either new views and assets for the continued attention of the way we should always live.

“It is apparent that the essays accrued during this quantity take Confucian ethics heavily as they articulate poignant and sustained reflections on present political concerns in modern China, the stress among private and non-private, belief in executive, the character of the virtues, etc … the publication in actual fact takes steps towards constructing Confucian ethics.” — Philosophy East & West

“…an outstanding selection of essays that display how Confucian principles can make clear modern discussions in theoretical and normative ethics, and political philosophy.” — Dao

“Using [a] broadened modern intercultural framework, this e-book indicates an technique of studying from, instead of studying approximately, Confucianism. rather than wondering how humans as soon as lived, it searches out how they need to stay. this technique might recharge Confucianism’s ongoing influence at the lengthy dialog of philosophers East and West.” — CHOICE

Kam-por Yu is Senior Lecturer on the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Julia Tao is Professor within the division of Public and Social management at urban college of Hong Kong. She is the editor of a number of books, together with (with Anthony B. L. Cheung, Chenyang Li, and Martin Painter) Governance for concord in Asia and Beyond.

Philip J. Ivanhoe is Professor of Philosophy within the division of Public and Social management at urban college of Hong Kong. he's the writer of numerous books, together with Ethics within the Confucian culture: the concept of Mengzi and Wang Yangming and Confucian ethical Self Cultivation.

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Taking Confucian Ethics Seriously: Contemporary Theories and Applications (SUNY series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture) by Kam-por Yu,Julia Tao,Philip J. Ivanhoe

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