Modest Gutu,Vasile Poenaru's Systematic Novelties of the Enigmatic Universe of the PDF

By Modest Gutu,Vasile Poenaru

By the current contribution through Modest Guţu, the relations Leptocheliidae enriched with 29 new taxa (a subfamily, seven genera and 21 species), because it effects from the record, hereinafter.

Subfamily Leptocheliinae Lang, 1973:

- Genus Alloleptochelia n. g., with the species: A. angusta n. sp., A. heardi n. sp., A. insolita n. sp., A. monotricha n. sp. and A. multiarticulata n. sp.;

- Genus Chondrochelia n. g., with the species: C. andersoni n. sp., C. baliensis n. sp., C. dentitruncata n. sp. and C. distincta n. sp.;

- Genus Kalloleptochelia n. g., with the species: K. maiorina n. sp., K. pauxilla n. sp. and K. robusta n. sp.;

- Genus Leptochelia Dana, 1849, with the species: L. afrieurina n. sp. and L. splendida n. sp.;

- Genus Paraleptochelia n. g., with the species P. magnispina n. sp.;

- Genus Permixtimella n. g., with the species P. oculifurcillata n. sp.;

- Genus Poorea Edgar, 2012, with the species P. obscurus; n. sp. and P. tanzaniensis n. sp.

Subfamily Konariinae Bamber, 2013:

- Genus Antiparus n. g. with the species A. longisetosus n. sp.

Subfamily Metaleptocheliinae nov.:

- Genus Metaleptochelia n. g. with the species M. estafricana n. sp. and M. vestpacifica n. sp.

Also, the feminine of the species Leptochelia forresti (Stebbing, 1896), unknown during the past, is defined and illustrated for the 1st time, and the male is minutely redescribed.

It is for the 1st time whilst a number of taxa (six genera and 12 species) of the kin Leptocheliidae are minutely defined at the foundation of either sexes, this permitting the setting up of the typical morphological positive factors within the women and men of a similar species, besides of these current on the genus point.

The men of the genus Antiparus n. g. and of the species Antiparus longisetosus n. sp., Poorea obscurus n. sp. and P. tanzaniensis n. sp. and the adult females of the genus Kalloleptochelia n. g. and of the species Alloleptochelia insolita n. sp., A. multiarticulata n. sp., Kalloleptochelia maiorina n. sp., K. pauxilla n. sp., K. robusta n. sp. and Leptochelia afrieurina n. sp. are unknown.

The id keys of the leptocheliid subfamilies are offered, for the genera of the subfamilies Leptocheliinae and Konariinae, in addition to the identity keys of the species of the genera Leptochelia, Alloleptochelia n. g., Kalloleptochelia n. g., Makassaritanais Guţu, 2012, Metaleptochelia n. g. and Poorea Edgar, 2012, and of the hot species of the genus Chondrochelia n. g. in view that the ladies and men of the species of the kinfolk Leptocheliidae have various morphological positive aspects, the main of the genera of the subfamily Leptocheliinae (the such a lot various in the family members, having 20 genera) refers either to the typical good points of the 2 sexes (when it was once attainable) and individually, for women and men permitting a extra distinctive id.

The studied fabric supplied from the Indo-West-Pacific shallow waters.

The reviews from the Addendum check with the new English model of the bankruptcy Order Tanaidacea (revised and up to date by means of Kim Larsen after the unique textual content co-authored by means of Modest Guţu and the past due Jürgen Sieg), from the well known Traité de Zoologie (Tome VII, Fascicule III A, Crustacés Pracarides), based through P.-P. Grassé. That new edition includes quite a few unacceptable errors because the writer used to be no longer consulted or not less than educated in regards to the re-publication, because it may were ethically acceptable.

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Systematic Novelties of the Enigmatic Universe of the Leptocheliids: Crustacea : Tanaidacea by Modest Gutu,Vasile Poenaru

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