Download e-book for kindle: Sugar and Spite (A Savannah Reid Mystery) by G. A. McKevett

By G. A. McKevett

Private detective Savannah Reid isn’t your regular crime-fighting heroine. Middle-aged and overweight—at least via society’s skinny-winnie standards—Savannah has the audacity to like herself besides. If there’s whatever the sassy Dixie belle enjoys greater than cooking soul-satisfying foodstuff for her family and friends, it’s nabbing undesirable men and plopping them at the scales of girl Justice. Having relocated to Southern California, this unconventional Georgia peach and the both eccentric participants of her Moonlight Magnolia Detective enterprise dwell to take a delectable chew out of crime within the sleepy, seashore city of San Carmelita.

Polly Coulter was once by no means certainly one of Savannah Reid’s favourite humans. So, while Polly dumped Savannah’s former cop associate, Dirk, Savannah discovered it tricky to faux a decent measure of sorrow for his damaged marriage. The depraved witch was once long gone finally! Whoopee! yet now Polly has by surprise reappeared, strutting her sagging stuff, making an unabashed play for Dirk. Savannah is happy to work out that, this time round, Dirk is sensible adequate to maintain his foot out of that exact capture. yet her aid is short-lived. Polly is located lifeless on Dirk’s trailer ground, killed along with his provider revolver. Now Savannah and her detective organisation need to locate justice for the despicable Polly…and transparent Dirk of a first-degree homicide rap. 

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Sugar and Spite (A Savannah Reid Mystery) by G. A. McKevett

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