New PDF release: Stop Farting in the Pyramids: And Other Things I Never

By Katiedid Langrock

Make means for across the world syndicated humor author Katiedid Langrock, whose self-deprecating, unabashed, wacky, fascinating, enjoyable and brash kind is on complete exhibit during this hand-picked number of her weekly column, "Katiedid vs. ..."

Katiedid's conceited and cheeky tackle being pregnant, motherhood, her personal adolescence shenanigans and her existence adventures could have you guffawing out loud.

Regarding a pathetic test at pole dancing as a kind of workout, she writes: "The teacher yelled at me to appreciate my femininity. i attempted back. Bam! Face and flooring met. I went domestic with a bruised ego. a good extra bruised nostril and not anything to teach my keen husband."

She writes approximately sleep as just a guardian may perhaps: "Sleep and that i have been by no means shut -- moment cousins at top. yet some time past 9 months, sleep and i've long past from cool buddies to full-on frienemies. ... She takes her candy time to reach -- primping her hair, i guess -- visits for less than an hour or after which disappears."

And after all, there is a bankruptcy titled "Potty Humor."

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Stop Farting in the Pyramids: And Other Things I Never Thought I’d Say or Do on the Path Toward Adulthood by Katiedid Langrock

by Donald

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