Download e-book for kindle: Scandal on the South Side: The 1919 Chicago White Sox (The by Jacob Pomrenke,Daniel Ginsburg,Lyle Spatz,Jack

By Jacob Pomrenke,Daniel Ginsburg,Lyle Spatz,Jack Morris,William F. Lamb,Rick Huhn,Brian McKenna,Andy Sturgill,David Fletcher

The Black Sox Scandal is a chilly case, now not a closed case.

When Eliot Asinof wrote his vintage heritage concerning the solving of the 1919 global sequence, 8 males Out, he informed a dramatic tale of undereducated and underpaid Chicago White Sox ballplayers, disgruntled via their low pay and terrible therapy by means of staff administration, who fell prey to the wiles of double-crossing big-city gamblers delivering them bribes to lose the realm sequence to the Cincinnati Reds. Shoeless Joe Jackson, greenback Weaver, Eddie Cicotte, and the opposite Black Sox gamers have been all banned from prepared baseball for all times. however the actual tale is lots extra complex.

We now have entry to the most important info that alterations what we concept we knew approximately “baseball’s darkest hour” — together with infrequent movie pictures from that fateful fall vintage, felony records from the legal and civil courtroom complaints, and exact wage info for major-league avid gamers and groups. All of those new items to the Black Sox puzzle offer definitive solutions to a few previous mysteries and lift different questions of their place.

However, the Black Sox Scandal isn’t the single tale worthy telling in regards to the 1919 Chicago White Sox. The group roster integrated 3 destiny corridor of Famers, a 20-year-old spitballer who might cross directly to win three hundred video games within the minor leagues, or even a batboy who later grew to become a celeb with the “Murderers’ Row” ny Yankees within the 1920s.

All in their tales are incorporated in Scandal at the South facet, which has full-life biographies on all of the 31 gamers who made an visual appeal for the White Sox in 1919, plus a finished recap of Chicago’s pennant-winning season, the contaminated global sequence, and the sordid aftermath.

This publication isn’t a rewriting of 8 males Out, however it is the whole tale of all people linked to the 1919 Chicago White Sox. The Society for American Baseball learn invitations you to profit extra concerning the Black Sox Scandal and the notorious workforce on the middle of it all.

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Scandal on the South Side: The 1919 Chicago White Sox (The SABR Digital Library Book 28) by Jacob Pomrenke,Daniel Ginsburg,Lyle Spatz,Jack Morris,William F. Lamb,Rick Huhn,Brian McKenna,Andy Sturgill,David Fletcher

by Jason

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