Get Pronunciation and Phonetics: A Practical Guide for English PDF

By Adam Brown

This attractive, succinct textual content is an advent to either phonetics and phonology as utilized to the instructing of pronunciation to English language newbies. part 1 selectively covers the most components of phonetics and phonology, with no going into any sector in additional intensity than the typical English language instructor calls for or that the common English language instructor trainee can deal with. part 2 makes a speciality of sensible matters regarding beginners and the way they study languages, and what represents solid perform by way of school room actions for pronunciation—including facets reminiscent of ambitions, motivation and priorities. The chapters finish with actions to assist the reader comprehend thoughts. part three presents cutting edge pattern actions which positioned into perform the theoretical issues coated within the first sections, solutions to many of the workouts, suggested extra examining (both print and non-print), a word list of technical phonetic phrases, and a bibliography of works on pronunciation educating. The textual content is followed via a spouse web site with audio recordings of version pronunciations and audio fabric with regards to the activities.

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Pronunciation and Phonetics: A Practical Guide for English Language Teachers (ESL & Applied Linguistics Professional Series) by Adam Brown

by Jeff

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