Download e-book for iPad: Power of Peers in the Classroom (What Works for by Karen R Harris,Karen R. Harris EdD,Lynn Meltzer PhD

By Karen R Harris,Karen R. Harris EdD,Lynn Meltzer PhD

Peer help and social relationships have a big impression on improvement, motivation, and success for all scholars, together with suffering novices and people with disabilities. This hugely useful ebook is likely one of the few assets on hand to lead school room academics and distinctive educators within the software of peer-assisted educational techniques in grades K-12. specialist individuals describe evidence-based methods for development scholars' abilities in interpreting, writing, math, and different content material components, in addition to social competence and govt functioning. pattern classes and greater than a dozen reproducible instruments are supplied. dealers get entry to an internet web page the place they could obtain and print the reproducible materials.

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Power of Peers in the Classroom (What Works for Special-Needs Learners) by Karen R Harris,Karen R. Harris EdD,Lynn Meltzer PhD

by Jeff

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