Pirate's Alley (Sentinels of New Orleans) - download pdf or read online

By Suzanne Johnson

After vanquishing undead serial killers and researching the darkish secrets and techniques of her kin heritage, wizard sentinel DJ Jaco needs to now cease the arriving preternatural battle in Suzanne Johnson's Pirate's Alley.
Wizard sentinel DJ Jaco proposal she had gotten used to the chaos of her lifestyles in post-Katrina New Orleans, yet a brand new risk is looming, one who will attempt each courting she holds expensive. stuck in the midst of a emerging fight among the most important powers within the supernatural world—the Wizards, Elves, Vampires and the Fae—DJ unearths her loyalties torn and her mettle proven in issues either expert and private.

Her courting with enforcer Alex Warin is shaky, her non-husband Quince Randolph is becoming extra strong, and her ally Eugenie has a bombshell that can blow every thing to Elfheim and again. and that is ahead of the French pirate Jean Lafitte, newly revived from his most modern "death," returns to New Orleans with vengeance on his brain. DJ's project? maintain the horny chief of the ancient undead out of difficulty. sturdy success with that.

Duty clashes with love, loyalty with deception, and friendship with accountability as DJ navigates ardour and politics within the murky waters of a brand new Orleans stuck within the grips of a brutal wintry weather that would don't have anything to do with mom Nature.

War may be brewing, and DJ may be compelled to take a stand. yet deciding on facets will not be that easy.

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Pirate's Alley (Sentinels of New Orleans) by Suzanne Johnson

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