Download e-book for kindle: Pioneers of Early Childhood Education: A Bio-Bibliographical by Barbara Peltzman

By Barbara Peltzman

Early youth schooling is prime to a kid's later academic achievements and destiny good fortune. the rules and practices of recent early formative years schooling have their origins some time past. whereas the educators who outfitted the sphere were the topic of many certain reports, earlier works don't supply enough insurance of fundamental and secondary assets, multicultural educators, or more moderen leaders within the self-discipline. This reference e-book offers biographies and annotated bibliographies of greater than 30 pioneers in early adolescence schooling from Johann Amos Comenius (1592-1670) and John Locke (1632-1704), to Maria Montessori (1870-1952), Leland B. Jacobs (1907-1992), and Lillian Weber (1917-1994). precise consciousness is given to multicultural educators, together with Mary Church Terrell (1863-1954) and her paintings with The nationwide organization of coloured girls. Biographies are prepared alphabetically, and every is by means of annotated bibliographies of fundamental and secondary sources.

An introductory essay in short discusses the background of early youth schooling from the seventeenth century to the current. the next biographies are prepared alphabetically, and every encompasses a short precis of the topics contributions to the sphere of early youth schooling. every one biographical cartoon is by way of annotated bibliography of fundamental and secondary resources, together with obituaries, articles, dissertations, and books. Works have been chosen simply because they signify the main attention-grabbing and informative resources via and in regards to the educators. the amount closes with a chronological directory of the pioneers and a specific bibliography of common works on early adolescence education.

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Pioneers of Early Childhood Education: A Bio-Bibliographical Guide by Barbara Peltzman

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