Get Orbital/Fractional Orbit Bombardment System: The Soviet PDF

By Hugh Harkins

This quantity units out to element, from the ancient and technological views, the absolutely built and deployed - 1969-1983 - Soviet 8K69 fractional orbit bombardment system/depressed trajectory intercontinental ballistic missile with a purpose to entail a survey of the 8K67 family members of intercontinental ballistic missiles from which the 8K69 was once built. the quantity additionally info the rival UR-200, UR-500 and GR-1 orbital missiles advanced advancements that preceded the 8K69 orbital weapon.
The highway, real and propaganda, that resulted in the improvement of the 8K69 orbital weapon complicated is designated as is the missile advanced itself, in addition to the flight attempt and improvement software resulting in genuine deployment of the process. the quantity additionally in short covers the non-realized suggestion of the a number of orbital bombardment method and the byproduct of the 8K69 orbital weapon complicated that was once the Cyclone-2 and Cyclone-3 house release vehicles.
It might be famous that at various occasions in the course of the textual content the weapon platforms might be observed lower than their Soviet provider and or producer designations in addition to, at acceptable occasions, lower than their NATO designations, the latter in fact being permitted by means of the Soviet Union to be used in hands obstacles and different treaties.
All technical info about the respective weapon platforms and their parts were supplied via the respective layout bureau/offices, as has a lot of the imagery and images with extra impute from usa intelligence organisations and security division, the distance businesses of the Ukraine and the Russian Federation, usa nationwide Aeronautics and house management and the Ministry of protection of the Russian Federation.

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Orbital/Fractional Orbit Bombardment System: The Soviet Globalnaya Raketa by Hugh Harkins

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