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By R.N. Hughes,D.J. Hughes,I. P. Smith,A.C. Dale

Ever-increasing curiosity in oceanography and marine biology and their relevance to international environmental concerns create a requirement for authoritative reports summarizing the result of fresh examine. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review has catered to this call for when you consider that its founding through the overdue Harold Barnes greater than 50 years in the past. Its goals are to think about, each year, the fundamental parts of marine learn, returning to them while acceptable in destiny volumes; to house matters of distinct and topical value; and so as to add new topics as they arise.

The beneficial reception and complimentary stories accorded to the entire volumes indicates that the sequence is pleasant a truly genuine desire. The 53rd quantity follows heavily the pursuits and elegance of the sooner volumes, carrying on with to treat the marine sciences—with all their numerous aspects—as a cohesion. actual, chemical, and organic facets of marine technology are handled by way of specialists actively engaged in those fields.

The sequence is a necessary reference textual content for researchers and scholars in all fields of marine technological know-how and similar topics, and it unearths a spot in libraries of universities, marine laboratories, learn institutes and govt departments. it truly is continually one of the maximum score sequence when it comes to effect think about the marine biology class of the quotation indices compiled via the Institute for medical Information/Web of Science.

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Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, Volume 53 (Oceanography and Marine Biology - An Annual Review) by R.N. Hughes,D.J. Hughes,I. P. Smith,A.C. Dale

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