Richard Yeo's Notebooks, English Virtuosi, and Early Modern Science PDF

By Richard Yeo

In Notebooks, English Virtuosi, and Early sleek Science, Richard Yeo translates a comparatively unexplored set of basic archival assets: the notes and notebooks of a few of the best figures of the medical Revolution. Notebooks have been very important to a number of key individuals of the Royal Society of London, together with Robert Boyle, John Evelyn, Robert Hooke, John Locke, and others, who drew on Renaissance humanist thoughts of excerpting from texts to construct storehouses of proverbs, maxims, quotations, and different fabric in own notebooks, or regular books. Yeo indicates that those males liked the worth in their personal notes either as robust instruments for private recollection, and, following Francis Bacon, as a procedure of distinct list holding from which they can retrieve huge amounts of distinct info for collaboration.


The virtuosi of the 17th century have been additionally capable of succeed in past Bacon and the humanists, drawing suggestion from the traditional Hippocratic clinical culture and its emphasis at the slow accumulation of knowledge through the years. through reflecting at the interplay of reminiscence, notebooks, and different documents, Yeo argues, the English virtuosi formed an ethos of long term empirical medical inquiry.

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Notebooks, English Virtuosi, and Early Modern Science by Richard Yeo

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