Nitrogen in the Marine Environment by Douglas G. Capone,Deborah A. Bronk,Margaret R. PDF

By Douglas G. Capone,Deborah A. Bronk,Margaret R. Mulholland,Edward J. Carpenter

because the first variation of Nitrogen within the Marine atmosphere was once released in 1983, it's been well-known because the common within the box. within the time because the publication first seemed, there was great development within the box with extraordinary discoveries during the last decade that experience essentially replaced the view of the marine nitrogen cycle. consequently, this moment version includes two times the quantity of data that the 1st version contained. This up to date variation is now to be had on-line, supplying searchability and fast, multi-user entry to this crucial information.

*The vintage textual content, totally up to date to mirror the quick velocity of discovery
*Provides researchers and scholars in oceanography, chemistry, and marine ecology an figuring out of the marine nitrogen cycle
*Available on-line with quick access and seek - the data you wish, in case you desire it

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Nitrogen in the Marine Environment by Douglas G. Capone,Deborah A. Bronk,Margaret R. Mulholland,Edward J. Carpenter

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