Download PDF by Rod Sterling: Murder at Hessian's Bridge (A Tony and Mindy Mystery Book 3)

By Rod Sterling

On Halloween in 1777, the evening of a blue moon, a Hessian cavalryman misplaced his head to an American three-pound cannon ball. he's acknowledged to journey looking for his lacking head 'when the moon is complete and the sky is clear.' yet no longer in Sleepy hole. Washington Irving heard the tale whereas staying at an hotel in New Jersey and hired literary license to relocate the story.

A paratrooper hero of D-Day survives the battle in a single piece in basic terms to be beheaded through the evil spirits in his domestic city - or was once he? whereas being initiated right into a mystery society, George Panabaker needs to spend the evening on a so-called haunted bridge. the following morning his physique is pointed out in basic terms by means of the Airborne tattoo on his arm simply because his head is lacking. The locals hush it as much as steer clear of adverse publicity.

As a outcome, George's paratrooper blood brother - deepest detective Tony Donohoo - doesn't examine of the loss of life for 8 years. George's more youthful brother hires Tony to unravel who truly killed his brother. Tony enlists assistance from his appealing, yet sarcastic red-haired female friend, Mindy McCall. jointly they paintings to solve the key of who truly killed George Panabaker and why. In so doing, they need to strive against not just the neighborhood sheriff, but additionally group leaders who've anything to hide. Tony and Mindy narrowly break out dying through the headless rider themselves, yet finally succeed, culminating in a wild dead night chase of the spirit on horseback.

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Murder at Hessian's Bridge (A Tony and Mindy Mystery Book 3) by Rod Sterling

by Paul

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