Download e-book for iPad: Marine Biofouling: Colonization Processes and Defenses by Alexander I. Railkin

By Alexander I. Railkin

fresh situations of bioinvasion, reminiscent of the emergence of the zebra mussel within the American nice Lakes, generated a requirement between marine biologists and ecologists for groundbreaking new references that element how organisms colonize tough substrates, and the way to avoid destructive biomass concentrations.

Marine Biofouling: Colonization approaches and Defenses is the English language model of a finished paintings through eminent Russian scientist Alexander I. Railkin, who information the reasons of great biomass concentrations on submerged challenging substrates. He additionally gives you a quantitative description of colonization procedures and offers targeted versions for fighting biofouling.

This quantity expounds on many issues infrequently mentioned within the body of 1 booklet: varieties of tough substrate groups; comparability of challenging and gentle substrate groups; damage as a result of micro- and macrofoulers; larval taxes and float; mechanisms of cost and attachment of microorganisms, invertebrates, ascidians and macroalgae; the effect of currents; safeguard from epibionts; commercial biofouling defense; successions on tough substrates; and the restoration of disturbed groups or the self-assembly of groups. The textual content contains a lot Russian-language learn translated for the 1st time.

Through an intensive exam of substrate organisms and an exploration of preventive tools, this monograph prepares these taken with marine biology to assist shield the self-purifying organisms that maintain marine ecosystems fit and productive.

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Marine Biofouling: Colonization Processes and Defenses by Alexander I. Railkin

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