Learning to Lead: A Handbook for Postsecondary by James R. Davis PDF

By James R. Davis

Leadership is an task that not just manifests itself in formal positions, but in addition bubbles up in quite a few locations inside of a firm. probably given the significance of management to any undertaking, the literature in this subject has burgeoned. but between those titles, Learning to Lead sticks out as the best texts to be had on management for faculty and college directors. severe talents similar to dealing with humans, resolving clash, and making rational (and felony) judgements are explored in the context of the campus. The ebook additionally addresses the desires of these who facilitate management workshops, function mentors to power leaders, and train classes on greater schooling management and management. whereas proposing either side of key concerns, the writer demands the reader to outline his or her personal place via a sequence of provocative mirrored image questions in every one bankruptcy. hence the ebook invitations interplay and teaches directors now not what to consider management, yet easy methods to take into consideration it.

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Learning to Lead: A Handbook for Postsecondary Administrators (The ACE Series on Higher Education) by James R. Davis

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