Innovation and IPRs in China and India: Myths, Realities and by Kung-Chung Liu,Uday S. Racherla PDF

By Kung-Chung Liu,Uday S. Racherla

This ebook examines the 2 such a lot populous countries on the earth – India and China – for you to demystify the interplay among highbrow estate rights (IPR) regimes, innovation and fiscal progress by means of severely the commercial and criminal realities. additionally, it analyzes the query of the way innovation can top be reworked into IPR, and the way IPR can top be exploited to inspire innovation. evaluating and contrasting those titanic international locations could be hugely worthwhile as China and India have been the 2 fastest-growing economies within the final 3 a long time, and jointly their populations make up one 3rd of the world’s overall inhabitants; as such, exploring the best way to maintain their progress through innovation and commercialization of IPR can have a huge optimistic effect on worldwide future health.  
While a learn of those mega nations with such diversified dimensions and magnitudes can by no means be really entire, this joint attempt via students from legislation, company administration and economics disciplines that pursues an empirical process makes a invaluable contribution. Divided into 3 elements, the 1st bargains an in-depth doctrinal and empirical research. the second one half solely specializes in India, whereas the final is devoted to China.

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Innovation and IPRs in China and India: Myths, Realities and Opportunities (China-EU Law Series) by Kung-Chung Liu,Uday S. Racherla

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