Download e-book for iPad: Friends in Wild Places: Birds, Beasts and Other Companions by Ruskin Bond,Shubhadarshini Singh

By Ruskin Bond,Shubhadarshini Singh

Since he was once a tender boy, Ruskin Bond has made acquaintances simply. and a few of the main worthwhile and lasting friendships he has recognized were with animals, birds and plants—big and small; outgoing and

shy. This assortment specializes in those partners and brings jointly his best essays and tales, either vintage and new. There are leopards and tigers, clever previous woodland oaks and geraniums on sunny balconies, a speaking parrot and a tomcat known as Suzie, bears within the mountains and kingfishers in Delhi, a kin of langurs and a lonely bat—and many extra ‘wild’ buddies, a few of an rapid, others of numerous years.

Beautifully illustrated by way of Shubhadarshini Singh, this can be a reward for nature- and book-lovers of all ages. 

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Friends in Wild Places: Birds, Beasts and Other Companions by Ruskin Bond,Shubhadarshini Singh

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