Noam Lubell's Extraterritorial Use of Force Against Non-State Actors PDF

By Noam Lubell

This publication analyses the first appropriate ideas of foreign legislation acceptable to extra-territorial use of strength through states opposed to non-state actors. strength during this context takes many varieties, starting from designated killings and abductions of people to large-scale army operations amounting to armed clash. activities of this kind have happened in what has turn into referred to as the 'war on terror', yet should not constrained to this context. 3 frameworks of overseas law
are tested intimately. those are the United international locations constitution and framework of foreign legislations regulating the lodge to strength within the territory of alternative states; the legislations of armed clash, sometimes called overseas humanitarian legislations; and the legislation enforcement framework present in international
human rights legislation. The ebook examines the applicability of those frameworks to extra-territorial forcible measures opposed to non-state actors, and analyses the problems and demanding situations awarded through software of the principles to those measures.

The concerns lined contain, between others: the potential of self-defence opposed to non-state actors, together with anticipatory self-defence; the lawfulness of measures which don't agree to the parameters of self-defence; the category of extra-territorial strength opposed to non-state actors as armed clash; the 'war on terror' as an armed clash; the legislation of armed clash regulating strength opposed to teams and contributors; the extra-territorial applicability of overseas human rights law;
and the rules of forcible measures below human rights legislations. a lot of those matters are the topic of ongoing and longstanding debate. the focal point during this paintings is at the specific demanding situations raised by way of extra-territorial strength opposed to non-state actors and the e-book bargains a few options to these

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Extraterritorial Use of Force Against Non-State Actors (Oxford Monographs in International Law) by Noam Lubell

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