Katsumi Tsukamoto,Mari Kuroki's Eels and Humans (Humanity and the Sea) PDF

By Katsumi Tsukamoto,Mari Kuroki

This publication explains a lot of what's recognized at present approximately freshwater eels, concentrating on social and cultural points in addition to technology. A wealth of eel-related fabric is gifted by means of scientists from all over the world, together with details on eel fishing, assets, distribution, aquaculture, economics, delicacies, surroundings and ecosystems, idioms, arts and crafts, culture, legends, mythology, archaeology or even memorial services.

Eels are vital as nutrition for humankind and are an attractive version for scientists learning animal migration and reproductive ecology. Their snake-like morphology differentiates them from so much different fish, and their unpredictable behaviour that permits them to maneuver over rainy land and climb rocks adjoining to waterfalls draws awareness and conjures up interest. Eels are hence thought of to be enigmatic creatures or metaphysical entities past human intelligence; certainly, they've been deified in components of the world.

In contemporary a long time, in spite of the fact that, with worldwide populations of eels in sharp decline, a few species face a true probability of extinction, and powerful conservation ideas and measures are wanted. Comparisons throughout those concerns among quite a few nations supply a picture of a lasting courting among eels and humankind, and inspire accomplished and distinctive realizing of eels from the views of social, cultural and traditional sciences. by way of selling knowing of the shut courting among eels and people, the wider public is engaged and public wisdom of eel value raised, aiding to preserve those specified yet endangered fish.

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Eels and Humans (Humanity and the Sea) by Katsumi Tsukamoto,Mari Kuroki

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