Download PDF by Ingrid Thoft: Duplicity (A Fina Ludlow Novel)

By Ingrid Thoft

Gutsy Boston P.I. Fina Ludlow returns with a case that places her religion to the test—in the newest addition to the significantly acclaimed sequence through Ingrid Thoft.

When Ceci Renard hires Ludlow and co-workers to sue the hip new church that she believes has brainwashed her daughter, Fina Ludlow is assigned to the case. Covenant emerging Church has all of the trappings of a less-than-holy association: a slick younger pastor and his comely spouse; fancy homes and comfort automobiles; and dedicated congregants who appear wanting to half with their funds. Fina wonders if Ceci disapproves of Covenant Rising’s theology or the pastor’s skill to solicit beneficiant donations—until a famous church member dies all at once. Fina’s research calls for her to delve into the woman's life—both out and in of Covenant Rising—and ask a bunch of adverse questions. Is the pastor prime his flock off course? Did the church have a hand within the dying or have been there much less savory components within the woman's existence outdoors the parish?
            The case proves to be a classy morass of lost loyalties and questionable motivations, rivaled merely by way of the present nation of the Ludlow relations. The go back of eldest brother Rand units in movement an explosive showdown that threatens the very textile that holds the kinfolk jointly, forcing Fina to confront the real which means of faith.

From the Hardcover edition.

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Duplicity (A Fina Ludlow Novel) by Ingrid Thoft

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