Digital Literary Studies: Corpus Approaches to Poetry, - download pdf or read online

By David L. Hoover,Jonathan Culpeper,Kieran O'Halloran

Digital Literary Studies offers a extensive and sundry photograph of the promise and capability of tools and methods which are crucially established upon the electronic nature of the literary texts it experiences and the texts and collections of texts with which they're in comparison. It specializes in sort, diction, characterization, and interpretation of unmarried works and throughout better teams of texts, utilizing either large common language corpora and smaller, extra really expert collections of texts created for particular projects, and applies statistical thoughts utilized in the narrower confines of authorship attribution to broader stylistic questions. It addresses very important matters in all the 3 significant literary genres, and deliberately applies assorted ideas and ideas to poetry, prose, and drama. It goals to give a provocative and suggestive pattern meant to motivate the applying of those and different how you can literary stories.

Hoover, Culpeper, and O’Halloran push the tools, thoughts, and ideas in new instructions, observe them to new teams of texts or to new questions, alter their nature or approach to software, and mix them in leading edge ways.

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Digital Literary Studies: Corpus Approaches to Poetry, Prose, and Drama (Routledge Advances in Corpus Linguistics) by David L. Hoover,Jonathan Culpeper,Kieran O'Halloran

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