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By Cristina Dallara

The publication analyzes the subject of judicial reforms in 4 nations of South-East Europe, concentrating on particular components that experience inspired the reforms some time past 20 years: the position performed by means of the eu Union in mild of the east growth method and the legacies of the communist regimes. particularly, the purpose is to account for similarities and variations within the reform paths of Slovenia, Romania, Croatia, and Serbia. In each one state, in reality, the effect of the ecu guidelines has been another way mediated by means of nationwide elements that, generally conceived, can be regarded as expressing the legacies of the earlier regimes. often times, those legacies challenged judicial reforms and inhibited the impact of the european; in different situations, they have been certainly conquer by way of following the path steered by way of the ecu. a few explanatory elements for those ameliorations can be proposed drawing from democratization stories, Europeanization literature, and comparative judicial systems.

The e-book specializes in international locations having varied prestige vis-a` -vis the european and otherwise concerned, in time period of timing, within the ecu accession approach: a few of them are new member states entered in 2004 (Slovenia) or in 2007 (Romania); others have been, till lately, acceding international locations (Croatia) or applicants to the club (Serbia). This comparability permits research of the facility of ecu conditionality in several stages of the european expansion process.

vis-a` -vis the european and another way concerned, in time period of timing, within the ecu accession approach: a few of them are new member states entered in 2004 (Slovenia) or in 2007 (Romania); others have been, till lately, acceding international locations (Croatia) or applicants to the club (Serbia). This comparability permits research of the ability of ecu conditionality in several levels of the ecu growth process.

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Democracy and Judicial Reforms in South-East Europe: Between the EU and the Legacies of the Past (Contributions to Political Science) by Cristina Dallara

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