Bodies and Language: Health, Ailments, Disabilities (None) - download pdf or read online

By Prof. Vaidehi Ramanathan

This e-book seriously addresses the function of language in our collective building of ‘normal’ our bodies. Addressing quite a number issues associated with obvious and invisible, persistent and terminal stipulations, the quantity probes concerns in and round sufferer and caregiver bills. Focussing on physique stipulations linked to breast melanoma, Alzheimer’s affliction, (type-1) diabetes, epilepsy, partial listening to and autism, the publication attracts on a variety of serious theories to contest jointly assembled notions of ‘abnormality,’ ‘disability’ and ‘impairments.’ It additionally addresses the necessity for utilized sociolinguists to take account of ways our studying practices - the texts we produce, the orientations we imagine, the theoretical grounds from which we proceed-- create ‘meanings’ approximately our bodies and ‘normalcy,’ and the significance of last ever vigilant and civically accountable in what we do or declare to do.

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Bodies and Language: Health, Ailments, Disabilities (None) by Prof. Vaidehi Ramanathan

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