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By Michael J Rycroft

Y. Fujimori, Symposium Programme Committee Chair, and school Member, foreign area college email: fujimori@isu. isunet. edu M. Rycroft, school Member, overseas area collage e mail: rycroft@isu. isunet. edu development at the foundations supplied by means of the overseas house Station, now in part developed and already in use in low Earth orbit, what's going to be the longer term instructions of human spaceflight? This used to be the foremost query mentioned from many viewpoints - technical, entrepreneurial, governmental, criminal - on the 7th Annual Symposium held in Strasbourg, France, early in June 2002. Many rules at the "whys" and the "hows" of our destiny exploration of the ultimate frontier have been recommend in a stimulating atmosphere. the original point of view of the overseas house collage (ISU) - particularly an interdisciplinary, foreign and intercultural standpoint - better either the displays and the discussions. greater than a hundred and fifty humans attended the Symposium, together with the present individuals of the grasp of house reviews classification who're attending an eleven month direction at ISU. they're younger execs and postgraduate scholars who enhance in-depth a few a part of the wide Symposium topic of their parallel staff tasks. Their ultimate stories can be accomplished on the finish of July 2002, and should be released independently. 1 past the ISS: the way forward for Human Spaceflight Keynote deal with: A precis the necessity for a brand new imaginative and prescient E. Vallerani, complex Logistic expertise Engineering middle, The Italian Gateway to the ISS, Corso Marche seventy nine, Torino 10146, Italy email: vallerani. ernesto@spacegate-altec.

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Beyond the International Space Station: The Future of Human Spaceflight: Proceedings of an International Symposium, 4–7 June 2002, Strasbourg, France (Space Studies) by Michael J Rycroft

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