Download e-book for iPad: Anna, the Voice of the Magdalenes: A Sequel to Anna, by Claire Heartsong,Catherine Ann Clemett

By Claire Heartsong,Catherine Ann Clemett

Anna, the Voice of the Magdalenes, by Claire Heartsong and Catherine Ann Clemett, is the sequel to Claire Heartsong's first book, Anna, Grandmother of Jesus. trip with Anna, the Holy relations and 18 different Magdalene-Essenes as they bring about their paintings ahead into France and Britain after Jesus's (Yeshua's) crucifixion and resurrection disclosing own and deeply remodeling stories with the resurrected Yeshua. obtain a better knowing of the Christ drama 2,000 years in the past and its relevance to present-day humanity and your personal awakening. Re-awaken the remembrance of Magdalene being and the Order of recognition, not only one person. observe how the Essenes of Yeshua's sect and the Holy kin have been a part of the Magdalene Order, revealing deeper mysteries they've got safeguarded for eons of time together with long-held secrets and techniques referring to Jesus's intimate existence, relationships and children. 

The 'Seeding of sunshine' is published - the dispersion of Anna's, mom Mary's and Jesus's enlightened descendants whose 'bloodline' acts as a dwelling catalyst for the awakening of your individual Christ-Magdalene power this day. Long-held secrets and techniques are published which support the lifting of the suppressed Divine female/ Magdalene voice in our time.

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Anna, the Voice of the Magdalenes: A Sequel to Anna, Grandmother of Jesus by Claire Heartsong,Catherine Ann Clemett

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