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By I.L. Kalikhman,K. I. Yudanov

beforehand, there has now not been any paintings that systematically provides the topic of acoustic fish reconnaissance, info all significant elements of utilising acoustic gear in advertisement fish reconnaissance, and provides adequate research of the effectiveness of fish-finding ideas. Acoustic Fish Reconnaissance responds to this desire by way of supplying the 1st assessment of the theoretical and functional elements of acoustic seek, detection, interpretation, and inhabitants estimation for advertisement benefit.

This e-book can pay specific consciousness to the speculation and perform of accounting surveys for quantitative estimation of organic assets and fishing stipulations in conventional fishing components. It additionally analyzes numerous functions of acoustic approach, established upon the authors' huge investigations. The textual content comprises the result of the applicability of fish-finding tools, and provides tips on the improvement of superior acoustic innovations for advertisement fleets.

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Acoustic Fish Reconnaissance (CRC Marine Science) by I.L. Kalikhman,K. I. Yudanov

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