New PDF release: A NYC Werewolf And Lucy Chronicles: the adventures of a

By Bert Murray,Phyllis Fahrie

An city delusion that's a thrilling mixture of secret, suspense and paranormal romance...

James is tall, good-looking, blond and mysterious. Lucy, an enticing brunette and an paintings background significant, discovers the darkish mystery that her classmate has been hiding from the realm for therefore lengthy. She hazards her security and safety for a deadly love.

With assistance from an eccentric psychic, Lucy and James, start to larger comprehend the supernatural powers that James possesses. including to their problems, is an ex-boyfriend of Lucy who refuses to be close out of her life.

From The Metropolitan Museum of paintings to principal Park to Gramercy Park, the 1st a part of the radical unfolds within the intoxicating surroundings of big apple in ny City.

The secret and suspense deepens because the psychic probes James brain via hypnosis so as to greater comprehend the supernatural powers he has been given. From the imperative Park Zoo in big apple to the sandy seashore of a beautiful, ocean property the couple face a menacing stalker, listen from a daunting fortune teller and feature perilous adventures at sea. alongside the best way, they make not going new buddies and their romance grows improved as they care for all of the frights and chills.

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A NYC Werewolf And Lucy Chronicles: the adventures of a werewolf (The NYC Werewolf And Lucy Chronicles Book 1) by Bert Murray,Phyllis Fahrie

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